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1st workshop picture.HEIC


For our first workshop we went to our audience and presented Essence by Faith to them. Our first event was a workshop that was about using art to express all the different hairstyles that Black girls wear. The aim of this workshop was to introduce Essence by Faith and to make people aware of what we do. We had some very engaging conversation; this is what people said.

… It was a engaging memorable experience. Ideas within the community are exceptional/ the presentation was great especially the display of products boards flyers and public speaking. The development of the product was excellent - Roxanne Simons- who is a model It was well organised with great ideas and fabulous speaker. The activity was very engaging too.” Linaa Marwan  

1st workshop (2).HEIC


For our last event we attended a Christmas market, in Black horse workshop, where we engaged with people and marketed our product.  We had samples of the product on the stall and people tried the product.



Our second event was our launch event.  We had a powerful innovative Creative workshop full of poetry interactive fun and engaging games and deep thought-provoking insightful discussions on Black woman and our identity especially in terms of our hair. We discussed topics such as our Black hair and how that affects our identity, Black woman and the media how we are represented in History and places of institutional cultural importance such as museums.  Korantema who is a Successful Freelance independent curator working in heritage and the arts. Korantema delivered mini zine making workshop and spoke about Black hair. We used plasticine to express the different hairstyles that Black woman wear. This is what people said about the event. 

“The workshop was good because it was welcoming. I felt comfortable although I did not know anyone there, the topics were interesting the debates helps to give young people a sense of belonging. It increases their self esteem and helps them to talk and express issues and things regarding our culture”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the black history part as I learned about some famous black people for an example Mary Kenner who invented the sanitary Towel.

I enjoyed the event and learned a lot 

I learnt a lot of new names of black people and what they created/started It was engaging and proactive 

It’s good to encourage promote and encourage young black females especially through their hair and appearance

“it was entertaining”

“a nice comfortable space to talk freely about black hair and culture”

“Spaces like this are rare and therefore valuable, I’d imagine it to be funny and revitalising”

“ I got different ideas and opinions from other participants 

“Very informative educated speaker interactive”

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